Balayage vs. Foiled Highlights
What is the difference in balayage vs. standard foiled highlights?
Not only is this a good question, but a question that I get a lot! First, before I start I want to make it clear that balayage and foiled highlights are two different techniques. Something like an ombre for example, is a style.
Ba- lay- age: is a French word that means, to sweep or paint.
Balayage is a timeless technique. The technique gives a sun-kissed natural color, like that of a child who’s spent all summer outside in the sun. There is a softer more delicate re-growth so, maintenance is usually about 3-4 months… I do have some clients who see me twice a year for their balayage color. So… LESS maintenance! The technique is applied so that the full saturation of lightener/ color is only at the ends of the hair strands. This gives the effect of softer and muted roots, that progressively gets lighter at the ends.
Foiled Highlights… ah, do I love a good foil?! So, the difference here is that the technique is more controlled. The lightener/ color is precisely placed. The hair that is weaved into the foil is fully and equally saturated from roots to ends. The foiling is not only a controlled technique but, it is consistent and pattern based. Using the foils, hairstylists can control the darkness or lightness they want to achieve. This technique is great for an overall, lighter look! The grow out on foiled highlights isn’t as delicate, there is typically a re-growth line of demarcation. Maintenance is about every 6-8 weeks.
Which one do you think is best for you? What look are you trying to achieve?
Are you wanting something more natural with a delicate grow out and less maintenance?
Are you going for an overall lighter appearance, and committed to seeing your stylist again in 6-8 weeks? You can find more Balayage and Highlight inspiration on my Instagram.
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